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Top 5: Financial Advisor Marketing Strategies

August 16, 20232 min read

With so many different types of marketing and even more strategies for each medium, it can be difficult to know which is worth pursuing in your own practice. Typically, the only way to know for certain is through trial and error. This takes countless time and money to reach a conclusion. Luckily, we’ve put in the effort and arrived at the result with our financial practice so you don’t have to. Here are the top five marketing strategies for financial advisors: 

  1. Seminars

    1. The undisputed best way to build rapport with people. This results in short close times because people start to trust you from the get-go. It also results in the most cost-effective appointments (and eventually clients), especially since it's purely educational and not providing food. Lastly, even if you don’t get an appointment directly from the seminar, you get contact information that allows you to utilize another top 5 marketing strategy.

  2. Webinars

    1. The second-best strategy for financial advisors by a very slim margin. The only reason it is second is because webinars are slightly less personal than seminars resulting in a little more difficult time earning trust. Otherwise, it offers the same great opportunity that seminars do.

  3. Email

    1. Email is a great way to stay connected with prospects. You’ve already paid to get the lead so email is a low-cost way to close them. Although, there is an art to writing effective emails in your re-engagement campaign. You must still provide value. We always say “Give, give, give, then ask”. Without continuing to give, asking for an appointment is unlikely to convert.

  4. Digital ads

    1. One of the biggest benefits of digital advertising is the tracking and targeting abilities. You can specifically target people you know you’d want to work with which is a huge advantage and saves time and money. You can also track who may have been interested in the past but didn’t convert so you can continue working on making them clients. Plus, digital ads are extremely cost-effective compared to other strategies such as mailers.

  5. SEO

    1. Probably the most difficult of the strategies mentioned, SEO could be the best one when done correctly. This is the future of digital marketing and could make organic marketing more effective than paid. Creating websites and landing pages that are easily indexed by search engine spiders and content that is valuable to consumers is essential. Now, don’t expect an immediate result. This takes time and practice but is well worth it.

By understanding and utilizing the above strategies, financial advisors can find success when marketing their services. Though each requires its own set of skills, with dedication and focus, you can expect to see growth in your business. With these five strategies combined, there should be no issue finding new clients and filling your appointment schedule. Don't be afraid to mix it up either. If you have any questions or would like to hear more, go here.

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