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Person with painted nails scrolling on a website on a smartphone.

5 Reasons to Optimize Websites for Mobile Devices

September 06, 20232 min read

In the past decade, there has been a massive shift toward smartphones and tablets to browse the internet. Before, websites were designed for desktop computers only, but now, there's no denying it- mobile is the future. It’s been revealed that Americans spend over half of their time online using their mobile devices. That's why every financial advisor must optimize their websites, emails, landing pages, and ads for mobile devices.

  1. Increased Mobile Usage

Over the years, the number of mobile users has been on an upward trend. Currently, 60% of global internet traffic is from mobile devices. As more people become reliant on mobile, statistics also reveal that 53% of users will leave a website that takes more than three seconds to load. Thus, neglecting a properly designed and optimized mobile website can lead to your site being unresponsive and repelling potential clients.

  1. Search Engine Optimization

Mobile optimization is also vital for SEO. Mobile-first indexing is a Google ranking algorithm that gives priority to mobile-optimized sites over websites that aren't mobile-friendly. With an optimized mobile device site, SEO improves and helps potential clients find their way to your business. Besides, potential leads can access all details about your products/services without pinching or zooming in/out on the mobile screen.

  1. Boosts Customer Experience

A website that is not optimized for mobile use might provide an extremely poor customer experience. Customers can become frustrated with a slow or unresponsive website while browsing through the mobile device. Optimizing for mobile enhances the user experience - easier navigation, faster loading speed, clear font sizes, and ease of use. Improving mobile customer experience can lead to higher conversion rates.

  1. Competitive Edge

Mobile optimization gives your business an edge over your competitors. By meeting the mobile user’s needs, you can narrow down the competition and establish yourself as a professional and reliable financial advisor in the industry.

  1. Increased Reach in Emerging Markets

In developing markets, mobile devices are the primary means of accessing the internet. Optimizing for mobile devices can significantly enhance your business's reach and allow potential clients to find and interact with you from any device, anywhere.

The online world is continually evolving. As financial advisors, you must optimize your website, emails, landing pages, and ads for mobile devices. With the right optimization strategy, you can engage with potential clients and grow your business. If you have any questions or want to learn more about our schedule, click HERE.

*All statistics are from the following sources: Zippia or Think with Google

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